Press Releases

title "The weather forecast? We're going to start the era of fire forecasting"...RozeAI challenges Nasdaq listing
Writer RozeAI 작성일
파일 views 23


RozeAI, an artificial intelligence (AI) company in the disaster field, has thrown its hat into the NASDAQ.

Cho Young-jin, CEO of RozeAI, said at the "Nasdaq SPAC Listing Briefing" held at the Millitopia Hotel in Seongnam on the 28th, "We will create a forecast system that can check the possibility of a fire in a specific building every day before a fire occurs, just like checking the weather forecast every morning."

Rozetatech, the IoT company in disaster and fire safety, founded RozeAI last year with the aim of becoming a global leading AI company in disaster. RozeAI aims to focus on the AI technology industry by combining experience of disaster field technology such as IoT and DigitalTwin.

RozeAI develops a verticalized wireless communication DAP platform from semiconductor chip design to device production and installation in disaster areas. With global trends in disaster areas shifting from post-response to "pre-prevention," RozeAI aims to be recognized for its technological superiority in the North American industry.

RozeAI is preparing for a roundabout listing. It is in the process of listing a SPAC in the Canadian and U.S. stock markets with Blue Apple Asset Management Inc. as its host. Currently, RozeAI has signed a main contract with a Nasdaq SPAC company. When the next month's audit report comes out, there is still a process to pass the stock exchange review. As the audit is currently underway, the company aims to list the company within the first half of this year.  ...


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