Press Releases

title Early suppression of fire by RozeAI system - Muhak traditional market mall in Choongju, Korea
Writer RozeAI 작성일
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A fire broke out due to a short circuit at 'Bachelor and Sea' store in Choongju Muhak market in the early morning of February 28.  As soon as SmartCol fire detector installed in the store detected the smoke, it notified the store owner, the merchant chairman, and the market manager to extinguish the fire early.

RozeAI's SmartCol wireless fire detection system can extinguish the fire within golden time because when the detector detects smoke or heat, it notifies the fire headquarters and officials in charge of the fire by text and voice.

Rozetatech has contributed to the early suppression of many fires by developing SmartCol system and leading the domestic wireless fire detection market. In particular, in the case of traditional markets with a structure that is easy to develop into large fires, SmartCol play a big role.  (Reference:

RozeAI/Rozetatech is an AI company pioneering the era of preservation and preservation of disasters such as fires. In recognition of its technological prowess and growth potential, it has developed and operated an integrated disaster prevention system for national key facilities, and has also been selected as a national representative of the Ministry of Science and ICT's Global Future Unicorn Fostering Company and Innovation Company 1000.

RozeAI is attratching attention from global firefighting and construction companies through Disaster prevention AI platform (DAP) technology, which analyzes and responds to Digital Twin based real-time sensing data.  



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